1. Boiling Mad:
The human body gives off more energy in the form of heat than you might imagine. In fact, just 30 minutes worth of heat from the average person can bring a a half-gallon of water to boil. Maybe those evil robots in The Matrix came up with a terribly creepy system that could actually work!
2. Digestive Makeover:
The lining of the stomach is replaced every three or four days. If that didn’t happen, the powerful acids that help us digest food would soon cause the lining to break down and cause the stomach itself to be digested.
3. Whole Lotta Sole:
The soles of your feet have more more pressure-sensitive nerve endings and sweat glands per square inch than any other part of the body. Your feet may contain as many as 500,000 sweat glands! Perhaps Dr. Scholl is onto something after all!
4. Not so small afterall:
It’s called the small intestine, but is that really an accurate description? Perhaps it’s not as wide as the large intestine, but when it comes to length, we shouldn’t sell the small intestine short! It averages about four times the height of a person, normally measuring somewhere between 18 and 23 feet.
5. Talk about close friends:
Each square inch of human skin is inhabited by approximately 30 million bacteria. Fortunately, the vast majority of them are perfectly harmless and are just hitching a ride.
6. Long Distance:
The human body normally has more than 60,000 miles of blood vessels. That’s enough to wrap around the earth nearly two-and-a-half times or stretch nearly a quarter of the distance to the moon!
7. Getting Shorter:
Speaking of things we start to lose when we are in our 30’s, it’s also interesting to note that at age 30, we gradually begin to shrink in stature.
8. Cells Getting Vanished:
Once we reach the ripe old age of 35, we begin losing around 7,000 brain cells per day. Those cells, by the way, will never be replaced. Is it any wonder we tend to get a bit forgetful as we age?
9. Water through Nose:
The reason that your nose gets runny when you cry is because tears from the eyes also drain into the nasal cavity.
10. Wonderful Smelling Sense:
It’s long been believed that the human nose can distinguish between about 50,000 different scents, but recent research has blown that number out of the water. It is now believed that we may be able to distinguish between a mind-blowing one trillion scents. Yeah, that’s a lot of zeroes: 1,000,000,000,000
11. Saliva Production:
The average person produces on the order of 6,200 gallons of saliva during the course of their life. That’s enough to fill two swimming pools. Not a pleasant thought, we know, but pretty impressive nonetheless.
12. Printed Tongue:
Fingerprints have long been used as an absolute and unquestioned method of identification. But did you realize that your tongue also has its own pattern, or “print” that is unique to you?
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